
Up since 6 plus this morning.

Finally done with my blood test and medical check as well as hub's vision review.

Enjoy your long weekend everyone!😘

My day is complete. 😊

Refueled and recharged!

Decided to give this another go.

@nite_stars quite like it this round. πŸ˜‹

Not as soggy as the last round. Perhaps this is only good for dine in.

Finally had my fix.

Thank you for the generous serving of my favourite cookie sauce.

The sauce tasted exceptionally good after a hiatus of nearly six months even since my tonsillitis triggered. πŸ˜‹

I'm glad that the condition is under control now with the help of TCM.

Luckily I didn't heed the ENT specialist's advice on removing my tonsils. πŸ˜…

While waiting for the hubs to fix his hair..

Since I'm so free now, thought I'll do a #whatsinmybag. πŸ˜‰

@bobobimbo think the bag was only ard S$6+ 😁

Korean for dinner!πŸ˜‹

Always on her phone.. Tsk tsk πŸ™„πŸ™„

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