Just saw @/dayxport’s post, dayxport service will be closing at 23:59:59 SG time on 8 April 2018, aka this Sunday. Looks like I’m gonna do my remaining backup since my last mass backup to my wordpress liow. Just in case, Dayre really shuts down lah, cos so far there’s not even any official notification on [...]

Thanks to all who helped to vote. Looks like Dayreans prefer blue more while IGers prefer pink. So I’m back to square one. 😂 Or maybe I should get both since I will need another one to rotate while one is in the wash. Or should I get a Tula? Aiyo.. why so headache one? [...]

Help me choose.. Pink or... Blue?? My heart actually goes to the Blue cos I’m not a pink person, and this blue seems to be able to match my dressing better. Furthermore, it doesn’t get dirty that easily. Someone’s in a super good mood today. 😍